Current Projects


Photo credit: Jack Ruthenberg

Worlds apart: A tale from Yener Velt

Worlds Apart is a collaboration between Kaeridwyn’s Little Wanderer Theatre Co. and Maggie Winston of Lost & Found Puppet Co., directed by Jen Quinn. Long time friends and fellow Jewish artists, Worlds Apart draws on Maggie and Kaeridwyn’s experiences of Jewishness as modern women, woven with scraps of Jewish folktales and myth. The result is a new folktale of forging an identity in our modern world.

Music and puppetry are core elements of Worlds Apart. The puppets are designed by Maggie, musical direction by Josh Middleton, including compositions by Kaeridwyn. Music played by Josh & Kaeridwyn.

Worlds Apart premiered in Nov 2023 in London at Applecart Arts, as part of Tsitsit Jewish Fringe Festival. It was supported by Canada Council for the Arts and Tsitsit.

Prior development included a scratch at Moving Parts Arts puppetry festival in Newcastle in April 2023, and an earlier scratch in 2019 at The Old Library in August 2019 following a residency with Theatre Deli and support from JW3.

Worlds Apart: A Tale from Yener Velt Premier

2019 Scratch at the Old Library